This app is very useful for newly married couple and alredy Married coupleksar log is hakiqat se be-khabar hain ke khushguwar shadi shuda zindagi ke
This app is very useful for newly married couple and alredy married couple
Aksar log is hakiqat se be-khabar hain ke khushguwar shadi shuda zindagi ke liye zarori hai ke husband aur wife ki jinsi zindagi zindagi kamyab ho .. Shaadi Ki Sari Emaraat Ki Sari Emaraat Ki Sari Buniyat Ki Buat Ki Buat Ci hai ke husband wife jinsi se satisfied hain ya nahi .. jinsi tashangi shaadi shuda zindagi ko barbaad kar sakhti hai .. is liye zarori hai ke is important mamele ki taraf bi taraf bija di jaee ..
- Attractive GridView.
- Clear Pager.
- complete suhaag raat guide in 160 pages.
- Simple and Easy Urdu Words.
- Notification Alerts for New Updated Collection.
- Extra zoom in and out option for view / read clea
- Users can share this application or seprate page with their friends too.
- Small Applicatioin size from which users can save their phone memory.